Disc Golf Show- Nick and Justin Q and A
There are many forms of entertainment for the Disc Golf community to get their news and stories from. One of the ones that is making waves in the world of the sport is The Disc Golf Show. The show is ran by Justin and Nick currently and they do a great job of what they do. They were great people to talk to and worth the read when you have the chance! Enjoy!
1) How did each of you get into Disc Golf?
I played quite a while ago, probably over 20 years ago at my local course, Shady Oaks, in Orangevale, CA. I was introduced to the sport by a very close friend.
I also introduced Justin, and James (a previous Disc Golf Show host in the earlier years), to the sport shortly after becoming friends with him around 6 years ago or so, maybe more.
2) Who inspires each of you to continue to play?
Nick - I don't get to play as much as I used to, but just watching all the pros out there, male and female, and seeing the possibilities keep me going out as much as I can with my day-to-day job and family.
Justin - I would say just the chance to get out there. Get out doors, do something, burn off some of that ubiquitous fat on my body :). I will also say, that since we started the Disc Golf Show, watching tutorial videos, watching pro's play, getting review discs, and just general research for the show keeps me motivated to play.
3) How did you guys come up with the show?
After introducing Justin to the sport, we dabbled in some podcasts as he was in some bands and had accumulated a bunch of recording gear over the years. Seeing as how he had done a few podcasts already, he proposed we start up a disc golf podcast, which I immediately jumped at as I had been wanting to do something related to the sport for quite some time. Our buddy James, Justin's brother-in-law, also joined in as a host in the earlier years, however, due to moving to Southern California and a new job, hasn't been able to continue on as a full time host.
4) How many tournaments do you guys go to every year?
Not as many as we'd like!
Not Enough!
5) Favorite Disc for each of you?
Nick - Innova Star Coyote
Justin - Discmania MD3 (Eagle McMahon)
6) Favorite course for each of you?
Nick - I'm partial to my home course, Shady Oaks DGC, in Orangevale, CA, but I do love to play Bijou DGC in South Lake Tahoe, as well as DeLa, of course.
Justin - I would say my favorite course is also Shay oaks, but I love DeLa and it would be my favorite if it was closer.
7) What made you guys decide to do a monthly podcast rather than a bi-weekly or shorter time in between?
Day-to-day jobs and family, but we are planning on upping the frequency of the shows as soon as we can make it happen.
Yeah, ease of doing the show consistently. However, as Nick alluded to above we are trying to find a way to do more.
8) What has been each of your favorite memories from the show so far?
Being asked to do a live show at the St Jude Invitational a couple/few years ago was great! Thanks to Annabelle and Leonard!
Yeah, the live show at St. Jude was amazing. Second would be talking to Simon Lizotte and Avery Jenkins, I respect these players a lot and getting to talk to them was a really awesome experience.
9) What can we expect from you guys in 2018?
Hopefully more frequent shows and some products on which we have been working!
We have some exciting projects we are working on and I hope a new kind of series we will be presenting soon.
10) If you could give some advice to people who want to start their own show what would it be?
Don't wait! The more people show their passion for disc golf, the more it will grow!
Like Nick said above, just do it! Also, don't be jerks, make sure to network as much as you can, and have fun!
11) Do you guys still find time to Disc golf while running the show?
We always play a round before we record/livestream the show, but again, we would like to play more and hopefully will this year!
12) How much prep time does it take to make a show run?
With a myriad of technical problems that can arise at any moment, it usually takes 30 min to an hour depending on any issues that pop up. There are some other projects that Justin is involved with that needs to use the same equipment, so there is some adjustment time.
13) What has been the hardest part about making the show?
Not too much to be honest, other than growing some of the support in certain social media portals. We have the most support via our Facebook, but we also have Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Patreon (big shout out to those who decide to support us with some funds, whatever the amount, it helps more than you know), and we just started Twitch as well! Our families have been nothing but supportive with us doing the show!
14) Who have you not talked to yet that you would love to have on and be a guest and why?
We've had some amazing guests, like Avery, Lizotte, Eagle, Valarie, Barsby and others, but maybe Dave Dunipace or Jussi! Always would be good to get McBeth or Wysocki on the show!
I would like to have all the guests Nick stated above, but I would really love to talk to every pro at some point.
15) Is there anything else you would like people to know about you guys that they may not?
We love disc golf and though we aren't as well known as some others who are bringing you great content like Bobby Brown (aka. CoolDaddySlickBreeze) or Terry Miller (aka. The Disc Golf Guy), we put a lot of work into what we put out! We really appreciate all the support we have received over the 4.5+ years and look forward to continue to bring you more shows!
I would like to thank Justin an Nick for taking the time out of their day to answer my questions and for letting me ask them in the first place. If you would like to know more about the, you can find them on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/DiscGolfShow/. Look out for more coming soon!
Picture credit goes to Nick (third picture) and Justin (second picture)