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Lets Watch Some Disc Golf- Ian Anderson Q and A

There are plenty of media outlets in the world of Disc Golf. The reason for that is because the sport is relatively young so there is plenty of room for everyone. One of the biggest, however, is Central Coast Disc Golf or CCDG for short. It is a group of guys from Central California who have gained a popular following on YouTube for there commentary on the major tournaments and other funny videos with professional Disc Golfers. I got the opportunity to ask the maker of the company, Ian Anderson, a few questions and he had some great responses! Enjoy below!

1) How are your travels going?

Good! I went to Montana at the beginning of the year for the Rocky Mountain Championships and had an epically awesome time. love it up there. I'm headed to San Francisco this weekend to film the SF Safari which is always great. Love Golden Gate park.

2) How did CCDG get its start?

I got into disc golf when one of my college roommates invited me in 2003.I instantly loved it. I played super casually (never looking online for tourney vids or form vids). I got kinda serious around the 2010, and I'd been making video game videos for youtube (BFBC2), so I had some experience editing and commentary. I saw that a bunch of big name pros were coming to the Santa Maria Open in 2011 and that no one was going to film it, so I posted on r/discgolf, and asked if anyone would watch it. They said yes, so I did it and never stopped.

3) Why Disc Golf?

I love watching the discs fly, and all the cool things you can do with them. Sooo many different types of shots and shapes. A flying disc is beautiful.

4) Favorite memory over the years filming?

Philo Albatross. Game changer for sure.

5) Favorite course?

In no order, and I'm gonna cheat cuz Milo and Bohart have 2 courses each.

Milo McIver - Estacada, OR

Bohart Ranch - Bozeman, MT

DeLaveage - Santa Cruz, CA

Morley Field (my home course) - San Diego, CA

Whistlers Bend - Roseburg, OR

6) Favorite Disc?

A CE Teebird my buddy Tobiah hooked up.

7) Favorite tournament to film?

Rocky Mountain Championships in Montana. We can't do next day vids so I don't have to work 18 hour days which is great. I get to see some awesome people, some awesome places, and I always go a day early so I can play both courses. It's just absolutely beautiful up there, and those courses are amazing. Perfectly manicured mountain disc golf.

8) Any advice for individuals who want to get into the filming of Disc Golf?

Use a camcorder not a DSLR, and get a cheap shoulder mount from Amazon ($23) Neewer is the brand. Zoom in less not more. If you don't know where the disc is just point it in the general direction and don't zoom. Be prepared to work a ton and not make any money for a while. It's hard work.

9) What can we expect from CCDG the rest of the year?

Filming a bunch more, and posting an unreal number of videos. Like so many I can't believe it.

10) What do you guys do in the off season?

Catch up on the backlog/edit/do commentary. Film fun stuff if we can. I also work at my full time job (all year), and hang out with my wife and kiddo.

11) Who is the easiest person to film?

Paul McBeth. He'll actually wait for you to get in position, and has a perfect pace. Plus he's incredibly nice.

12) How do you get invited to the tournaments that you guys go to?

Some of them I just went to way back in the day, and kept going, but mostly we just hit up the tournament director (TD). That or the TD or PDGA contacts us based on our resume.

13) How did you build CCDG to be as big as it is?

By accident? lol. I just always tried to get better, and realized early on that I can't do it all on my own. Tons of awesome people over the years have joined the filming/editing crew, and made CCDG better with new graphics (Juan and Shaun), or a website (Mike). It's pretty amazing and really humbling to get all the support. Melts my heart. Love the CCDG crew so much. Great bunch of people. Past and present :)

14) What has been your favorite mini series to do? (Champs vs chumps, starter pack challenge, etc.)

Champs vs Chumps because I get to play, and Nate's hilarious.

15) Do you get recognized while Disc Golfing?

Haha yup :) It's really fun meeting all the people that watch the channel. Say hi if you see me!

I would like to thank Ian Anderson for taking the time to answer my questions. If you would like to look at what Central Coast Disc Golf does you can find them on YouTube or at

I would like to give picture credit to overstable studios

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